Our First "Norte" in Mexico
After a couple of weeks of comfortably warm temperatures here in Telchac Puerto, a curious thing happened on Wednesday. The winds died. The sun blazed. The clouds left. It was HOT. Gina and I both noted that we felt as though we were somewhere closer to the equator. As we got into the car to head to Merida on Wednesday, and began driving, we both saw it. The temperature read 96 degrees in the car, and it wasn't dropping. A word to the wise, this is not your Arizona 96 degrees with 10% humidity. This is 96 degrees with about 70% humidity, making the air temp feel like it's in 110's. Anyway, hot enough (for someone that loves hot weather) to say, "oh my gosh, it's hot. I've got to get in the water."
Two days later, I'm sitting here writing this blog entry with a long-sleeved thermal shirt, wishing I had thrown on pants instead of shorts today. That, my friends, is my first experience with a "Norte." I had heard about them, but never experienced it here in Mexico before. Every once in a while, a system from the North (Norte), makes its way south over the Gulf of Mexico far enough to swipe the good people of the Yucatan. Two days ago all I could think about was getting in the water. Today I want an extra layer. There ya have it!
Changing direction a bit (good wind pun), there are no Protestant Churches in Telchac, and just the one Catholic Church. We haven't seen a big turnout there yet, though we're going to the Saturday night Mass this week. I ran into a sweet elderly lady named Maria last week at the church, and she said you have to go out of town quite a while to get to another church beyond Telchac Puerto. From our perspective at home, one church in a town of 2,500 isn't a significant number. The older I get and the more I see, the more I realize I have to learn.......
Where ever you may be, have a wonderful weekend!
Matt and Gina Pfingsten & Family
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