Recently, the pelicans working out of the Minneapolis office made a big change. A 30 mile change. A half the square footage change. A “we need new mailing envelopes, business cards and an update to our website” change. Why the big move? For various reasons; we didn’t need as much space as we had, we wanted to be closer to the airport for all the traveling we do, etc. Valid reasons, but a lot of time, energy and resources to make the move a reality.
A voluntary change happens because we know there is a better option out there. The hard part is following through and taking those steps. The effort to change involves commitment and accountability and time! Who has time now a days? Today is April 13th, just over 100 days into the new year. Think of all the New Years resolutions that you have created and stuck with 100 days after January 1st. Now think of how many family members have kept up with theirs. Friends? If you came up with one or two people, I’m impressed.
Resolutions can be silly; almost made to be broken (why else would shamrock shakes come out so close to the new year). So think about a convicting sermon that you’ve heard recently; one that has inspired you or made you think differently. How is your life a reflection of that message?
We all know what happened when Jesus asked Peter and Andrew to be “fishers of men.” They didn’t hesitate; immediately turning from the nets and following Jesus. What is God putting on your heart right now? What change is pulling at you? Maybe you’ve started testing the waters or sharing the idea with friends to see their reactions. I encourage you to go. To turn from distractions and follow, no matter how big or small that change seems to be.
How will your path show that you set aside your own agenda and made a change to impact the kingdom?
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